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Kelle Z Rilley
Kelle Z. Riley, writer, speaker, global traveler, Ph.D. chemist, and safety/martial arts expert has been featured in public forums that range from local Newspapers to National television.
A former Golden Heart Finalist, Kelle resides in Chattanooga, TN. She is a member of the Chattanooga Writer's Guild, Sisters in Crime, Romance Writers’ of America and various local chapters.
Where in the World is Kelle Z
Welcome to “Where in the World Is Kelle Z Riley.” Because I travel a lot—both for work and for pleasure—I thought it would be fun to share some of the places I’ve been with you through the use of this interactive map. For details on my travels and some fun stories, you can follow my “On Z Road” blog and Facebook posts. Here, I’m focusing on the places I’ve lived, visited, and worked in the United States. Have I been to your town? Your state? Click on a state to read about my adventures there. Who knows? We may discover we know someone in common. Or we might have had coffee at the same hot spot in one of the states I’ve visited. Or maybe you can help me plan future travel. Can you give me advice about the best places to visit near your home? Feel free to share your stories with me!
I’d like to get to know each of you better, so feel free to drop me a line. The easiest way is to follow me on Facebook or Twitter, but if that doesn’t work for you—check out my contact page for other options. While you’re at it—consider signing up for my newsletter or becoming one of my STARs.
But first—pull up the map, click around, and see what you can discover.